Saturday, March 24, 2018

“ Broadly Appealing “ ...

” Broadly Appealing “

by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán

Broadly appealing “How could It not be?”
after all, it’s about the human body
speaking figuratively mixing not-new
and old from the beginning to end
built-in like gender and identity
like filtered light in silhouette
while leaving fleeting impressions
of  “ Never Better” minimal gesturing
amplifying pleasurable symptoms

put all together
having a skeleton-
relevant questioning
interweaving delicate
threads into sleds
irrespective of gender
pitch and smoothness
yielding improvement
by prescribing solutions

rooted in the platitudes
of ill-suited loosey-goosey
feel-good do-gooders
versus grandiose human
planning being accused
of undoing previous ingenuity

leading to the disembodying
of all meaning while falling
just short of irrational rebukes
as protuberant universal disputes
due to the reconstitution
of hemorrhagic abuse...

Friday, March 23, 2018

“Placed” ...

“ Placed “

by Suzán Jiván
Mom & Mom-
Mom Suzán

Placed squarely
among the walrus-like
cross hairs
of a gray mustache
preparing to ignore
the revolving doors
of a cadre of lawyers
having moved well outside
of the counsel of the court
while underperforming
with fingers crossed
all without warning
upon receiving
skimpy sartorial support
from a flimsy love story
feeling neglected
yet impeccably well read
being artificially resurrected
by reconfigured elements
expressed as requisite
red-carpeted entrances
of unexpected
late-arriving guests
still looking “fab”
in their period “glad rags”
emanating vivid magnetism
striking aristocratic glamour
poses now seen as “down pat”
making you feel like slow dancing
prevailing swelling violins be damned
deemed, “too flashy”
for swing saxes of jazz
keeping lost amour intact
sentimentally stepping back
into espousal time travel...